Spring 2020 Events

Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story
Martin Doblmeier, Filmmaker and President, Journey Films
Jeannine Hill Fletcher, Fordham University
Brianne Jacobs, Emmanuel College
January 27, 2020

Is There a New Anti-Semitism?
James Bernauer, S.J., Boston College
Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College
Mark Silk, Trinity College
February 18, 2020

Race, Class, and Ethnicity in College Admissions: Deans Discuss the Harvard Case
Susan Gennaro, Connell School of Nursing
Vincent Rougeau, Boston College Law School
Stanton Wortham, Lynch School of Education and Human Development
February 24, 2020

Blessed Are the Rich: The American Gospel of Success
19th Annual Prophetic Voices Lecture
Jonathan Lee Walton, Wake Forest University